- May 8, 2020
- Posted by: Archana
- Category: Admission, Article

The syllabus of IBPS SO Mains consists of a lot of subjects related to the specialization for which the candidate has applied for the IBPS SO Exam 2020. These topics are listed after extensive analysis of previous years IBPS SO Exam Papers and the detailed IBPS SO Exam Syllabus 2020 for each specialization is categorized in the following article.
The IBPS Specialist Officers (SO) Exam is conducted for highly technical or specialized roles in public sector banks and in this given article we will discuss the detailed IBPS SO Syllabus. Candidates also check the official website for the details of the exam https://www.ibps.in/.
IBPS SO IT Officer Syllabus 2020
There are a total of 8 important topics under IT Officer for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. The topic names are given below in the tabular form:-
1. Database Management System | 2. Data Communication and Networking | 3. Computer Organization and Microprocessor | 4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS) |
5. Data Structure | 6. Compiler Design | 7. Operating System | 8. Software Engineering |
1. Database Management System
- File-Based Data Management
- Disadvantages of the file system
- Database systems
- Need for Database
- Advantages of using a database
- Characteristics of data in a database
- Functions of DBMS
- Components of a database
- Comparison between Database and file-processing systems
- Data dictionary
- Data abstraction
- Data independence
- Logical and Physical data independence
- Overall Architecture of DBMS
- Three-level architecture
- Hierarchical
- Networking
- Relational Data Models (E-R Model, E-R Diagrams, EER Model)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of each model
- Advanced Concepts
- Introduction to Data warehousing and Data mining
- Different types
- Client/Server Technology
- Client-Server
- Distributed and Cooperative processing
- Peer to Peer processing
- Application components
- Transaction management
- Relational Structure
- Characteristics of the Relational Database Model
- CODD’s rules
- Tables (Relations)
- Rows (Tuples)
- Domains
- Attributes
- Extension
- Intention.
- Candidate Key
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
- Super Keys
- Unique Keys
- Data Constraints
- Referential Integrity Constraints
- Entity Integrity Constraints
- Constraints like Primary key constraint
- Unique
- Check constraint strong Entity
- Weak Entity
- Introduction of Normalization
- Purpose of Normalization
- Definition of Functional Dependence (FD) Relational database Design
- Normal forms:- 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4Nf and 5 NF
- Database Administration
- DBA Tasks
- DBA Tools
- User Privileges
- Performance monitoring and tuning
- Query tracing
- Backup and Recovery
- Introduction to SQL
- Advantages of SQL
- Invoking SQL*PLUS
- The Oracle Data-types
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Data Control Language (DCL)
- Data Query Language ( DQL) and all related commands
- Queries using Group by and Order by clause & Join
- Querying a Single Table
- Ordering results and grouping the results
- Joins
- Types of Joins
- Subqueries
- Operators
- Logical
- Value
- Syntax and Query expression operators
- Set operators
- Functions of Character
- Arithmetic
- Date and time
- Group and Miscellaneous Functions
- Commit
- Rollback
- Savepoint
- Format models
- Character
- Numeric & Date Format models
- Views Introduction
- Advantages of views
- The Create View Command
- Updating Views
- Views and Joins
- Views and Subqueries
- Dropping Views
- Sequences
- Creating Sequences
- Altering Sequences
- Dropping Sequences
- Indexes
- Index Types
- Creating of an Index
- Simple Unique and Composite Index
- Dropping Indexes
- Snapshots
- Creating a Snapshot
- Altering Snapshot
- Dropping a Snapshot
- Introduction to PL/SQL
- The PL/SQL Syntax
- The PL/SQL Block Structure
- Fundamentals of PL/SQL
- Advantages of PL/SQL Data Types
- Control Structure
- Conditional Control
- Iterative Control
- Sequential Control
- Exception handling
- Predefined Exception
- User-defined Exception
- Cursors
- Implicit and Explicit Cursors
- Procedures Advantages
- Creating
- Executing and Deleting a Stored Procedure
- Functions: Advantages
- Creating
- Executing and Deleting a Function
- Database Triggers
- Use of Database Triggers
- How to apply database Triggers
- Types of Triggers
- Syntax for Creating Trigger
- Deleting Trigger
2. Data Communication and Networking
- Data Communication
- Components of data communication
- Data flow Simplex
- Half duplex
- Full-duplex
- Networks – Definition
- Network criteria – Types of Connections
- Point to point – multipoint
- Topologies – Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh
- Hybrid – Advantages and Disadvantages of each topology
- Types of Networks: LAN – MAN – WAN – CAN – HAN
- Internet – Intranet –Extranet
- Client-Server
- Peer To Peer Networks
- Transmission Media
- Classification of transmission media
- Guided – Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics; unguided
- Radio waves – Infrared – LOS – VSAT
- Cabling and standards
- Network devices
- Features and concepts of Switches
- Routers (Wired and Wireless)
- Gateways
- Network Models
- Protocol definition
- Standards
- OSI Model
- Layered architecture – functions of all layers
- Data Link Layer
- Framing & its methods
- Flow Control
- Error Control
- DLL Protocol
- Piggybacking & Pipelining
- MAC Sublayer
- Media access control for LAN & WAN
- Collision
- IEEE 802 standards for LAN & MAN & their comparison
- Ethernet
- Wireless LANs
- Broadband Wireless
- Bluetooth
- Network Layer
- Routing
- Congestion Control Algorithms
- IP protocol
- IP Addresses
- Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6, Mobile IP
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- User Datagram Protocol
- Data Traffic
- Congestion Control and Quality of Service
- Network Security
- Cryptography
- Message Security
- Digital Signature
- User Authentication
- Key Management
- Security Protocols Internet
- Virtual Terminal Protocol
3. Operating System
- Introduction to System Programs and Operating Systems
- Buffering & Spooling
- Types of Operating Systems
- File concepts
- Access methods
- Free space management
- Allocation methods
- Directory systems
- Protection
- Organization
- Sharing & implementation issues
- Concept of Process
- Process Control Blocks (PCB)
- Scheduling criteria Preemptive & non Preemptive process scheduling
- Scheduling algorithms
- Algorithm evaluation
- Multiple-processor scheduling
- Real-time scheduling
- Threads
- Critical section problems
- Semaphores and classical problems of synchronization
- Memory Hierarchy
- Logical and physical address space
- Swapping, contiguous
- Non-contiguous allocation
- Paging
- Segmentation
- Concepts of virtual memory
- Cache Memory Organization
- Demand paging
- Page replacement algorithms
- Allocation of frames
- Thrashing
- Demand segmentation
- Distributed operating system
- Types and Design issues
- File system
- Remote file access
- RPC, RMI, Distributed Shared Memory(DSM)
- Basic Concept of Parallel Processing & Concurrent Programming
- Security & threats protection
- Security violation through Parameter
- Computer Worms & Virus
- Security Design Principle
- Authentications
- Protection Mechanisms
4. Software Engineering
- Software Product and Software Process Models
- Software Process customization and improvement.
- Requirement Elicitation
- Analysis and Specification Functional
- Non-functional requirements
- Validation
- Traceability
- Software Design
- Architectural Design
- User Interface Design
- Function-oriented Design
- SA/SD Component-Based Design
- Design Metrics
- Software Analysis and Testing
- Software Test Process
- Testing Levels
- Test Criteria
- Test Case Design
- Test Oracles
- Test Techniques
- Black-Box Testing
- Software Maintenance & Software Project Measurement
- Software Configuration Management (SCM)
- Re-engineering
- Reverse Engineering
- Project Management Concepts
- Feasibility Analysis
- Project and Process Planning
- Resources Project Scheduling and Tracking
6. Data Structure
- Basic Terminology of Data Structure
- Data types, and classification
- Array Definition
- Representation and Analysis of Arrays
- Single and Multidimensional Arrays
- Stack
- Array Implementation of the stack
- Linked Representation of Stack
- Queue
- Array and linked implementation of queues
- Circular queues
- D-queues and Priority Queues
- Linked list
- Generalized linked list.
- Basic terminology
- Binary Trees
- Complete Binary Tree
- Extended Binary Trees
- Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees
- Internal and External sorting
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Selection sort Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Radix sort
- Searching & Hashing
- Sequential search
- Binary search
- Hash Table
- Hash Functions
- Introduction of Graph
- Sequential Representations of Graphs
- Adjacency Matrices
- Traversal
- Connected Components and Spanning Trees
- Minimum Cost Spanning Trees
7. Compiler Design
- Introduction to Compiler
- Phases and passes
- Bootstrapping
- Implementation of lexical analyzers
- Lexical analyzer generator
- Input buffering
- Recognition of tokens
- Error handling
- Basic Parsing Techniques
- Parsers
- Shift reduce parsing
- Operator precedence parsing
- Top-down parsing
- Predictive parsers
- LR parsers
- Automatic parser generator
- Syntax directed definitions
- L-attributed definitions
- Syntax directed Translators
- Intermediate code, etc.
- Symbol Tables
- Run-Time Administration
- The simple stack allocation scheme
- Storage allocation in block-structured language
- Code Optimization and Code Generation
- Parsing control statements
- Syntax diagrams
- Error Recovery
- Interpreting control statements
- Parsing programs
- Procedures and Functions
8. Computer Organization and Microprocessor
- Basic Computer Operation
- Machine Instructions
- Addressing Modes
- DLX Architecture,
- Computer Configuration
- Memory organization
- Memory Architecture, and Interface
- DMA and Synchronization, etc.
- Microprocessor As A CPU
- Types of Microprocessor
- Microcomputers
- Computer Languages
- Flags
- Program Counter(PC)
- Stack Pointer
- OPCode Format, etc.
- Input-output System
9. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS)
- General concept OOPS
- Object
- Classes
- Data Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Methods and Messages
- Dynamic Binding
- Features, Advantages of OOPs
- Applications of OOPS
- Aggregation and Association
- Generalization
- Multiple Inheritance
IBPS SO HR/Personnel Officer Syllabus 2020
There are a total of 5 important topics under HR/ Personnel Officer for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. In this syllabus including many subjects and that are HR Introduction, Staffing, Wage and Salary Administration, Principles of Management, Leadership styles. The topic names are given below in the numerical form:-
1. HR Introduction
- HR Planning
- Placement:- Induction, Procedure, and benefits
- Compensation
- Theories of wages
- Compensation administration and criteria to develop a compensation plan
- Gratuity Act
- Designing an HRIS Department
- Mobility of Personnel
- Retirement-transfers
2. Staffing
- Job analysis
- Procedures of Job Analysis
- Methods and Techniques of Job Analysis
- Training and Development
- Types and methods of Training and Development
- Motivation
- Theories of Motivation
- Importance of Motivation
- Factors impacting of Motivation
- Provident Fund Act
- Compensation and Benefits Management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Managerial Effectiveness
3. Wage and Salary Administration
- Job design:- Meaning and Techniques
- Performance appraisal:- Process, uses, and techniques
- Industrial Relations
- Strategic Role of Information in HRM
- Transactional Analysis
- Managing Changes
- Organizational Effectiveness
4. Principles of Management
- Recruitment and selection
- The procedure, Process, and Barriers
- Promotion, transfer, and demotions (Types, policies)
- Factories Act
- Information Technology
- Concepts & Issues
- Rewards & Recognition
- Types of Rewards
- Monetary and non-monetary
- Performance Reward
- Management Process
- Organizational Behavior
5. Leadership styles
- Interview:-Types of tests
- Types of interviews and limitations
- Job evaluation
- Prerequisites, principles, and process
- Industrial Relations Act
- HRIS Implementation and Control
- Incentives
- Managing Interpersonal
- Group Processes
IBPS SO Marketing Officer Syllabus 2020
There are important topics under the Marketing Officer for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. The topic names are given below in the tabular form:-
Marketing Overview | Concept, Nature, Scope, and Importance of Marketing | Meaning, Functions, and Importance of Marketing Management | Marketing Process and Marketing Planning | Consumer/ Buyer Behavior |
Market Segmentation: Importance of Market Segmentation | Marketing Research | Product Planning and Development | Sales Promotion and its Objectives | Branding, Packaging, and Labeling |
Pricing Decisions: Pricing, Pricing Decision Strategies | Wholesale Trade | Retail Trade | Personal Selling | Services Marketing |
Bank Marketing | Insurance Marketing | Consumer Protection in India: List of Consumer Rights, Consumer Protection Act | Marketing Organization | Marketing Program |
Marketing Decision Making | Sales Forecasting | Product | Distribution: Definition, Channels of Distribution | Advertisement |
Sales Management | Marketing Environment | Rural Marketing | International Marketing | Social Responsibility and Business Ethics. |
IBPS SO Law Officer Syllabus 2020
There are important topics under Law Officer for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. The topic names are given below in the list form:-
Banking Regulation & Compliance and Legal Aspects
- RBI’s Constitution and Objectives
- Banking Regulation Act, 1949
- Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
- Credit Information Bureau (India)
- Banker-Customer Relationship
- Payment and Collection of Cheques
- Other Negotiable Instruments
- Types of Collaterals and their Characteristics
- Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999
- The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
Banking Regulated Important Laws
- Limitation Act, 1993
- Bankers Books Evidence Act, 1891
- The Recovery of Debts due to Banks
- Financial Institutions (DRT) Act,1993
- Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets
- Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act, 2002
- Miscellaneous Provisions Consumer Protection Act, 1986
- The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
- Procedure for Redressal of Grievance
- Procedure for Redressal of Grievance
IBPS SO Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2020
There are important topics under Agriculture Officer for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. The topic names are given below in the list form:-
- Types of facts
- Different diseases and their causes
- Woman and child development scheme agriculture Current Affairs
- Crop Horticulture Vegetables
- Important points regarding crops fruits vegetables
- Agriculture economics
- Agriculture cost and schemes
- Green manures
- Rural welfare activities in India
- Preservation of fruits and vegetables
- Different types of agricultural practices
- Animal husbandry and technology
- Before independence
- Spacing time of Sowing Seed Rate
- Types of cropping system
- Soil resources
- Different varieties of animals
- After independence
- Varieties Important only
- Different Diseases
- Indian soil
- Agriculture small industries like honey daily in the fisheries
- Different insurance schemes regarding agriculture
- Herbicides Pesticides
- Seed technology
- Different government schemes
IBPS SO Rajbhasha Adhikari Syllabus 2020
There are important topics under Rajbhasha Adhikari for Mains Exam and the candidates can find a detailed topic-wise syllabus. The candidates who want to crack the Exam of IBPS SO can check the syllabus before starting preparation. The topic names are given below in the list form:-
- Passage (In Hindi)
- Passage (In Hindi)
- Fill in the blanks (Hindi Grammar)
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Translation:- Sentence and Words.
- English to Hindi and Hindi to English
- Cloze Test (In Hindi)
Most Expected Questions for IBPS SO Rajbhasha Adhikari Exam 2020
- राजभाषा का संक्षिप्त परिचय
- संविधान में व्यवस्था:हिन्दी का प्रयोग
- केन्द्रीय अधिनियम का प्राधिकृत हिन्दी अनुवाद
- नियम बनाने की शक्तियों
- अनुच्छेद 343: संघ की राजभाषा
- संघ की भाषा, प्रादेशिक भाषाएँ, उच्चतम न्यायलय, उच्च न्यायालयों आदि की भाषा
- राजभाषा अधिनियम 1976 का प्रायोजन एवं प्रमुख विशेषताएं
- राजभाषा कार्यान्वन समितियां
- राष्ट्र भाषा और राजभाषा में अंतर
- हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं उसके अनुप्रयोग
- अनुवाद
- गद्यांश
- प्रशासनिक हिन्दी तथा अंग्रेजी ज्ञान
We hope that this blog will help those candidates who want to crack the examination of IBPS SO 2020. In this blog, we can provide you the Full Details of IBPS SO 2020 Exam Syllabus. The syllabus is the most important way to crack any exam. This blog has all the details of the IBPS SO Exam syllabus 2020. This blog will help you to clear the IBPS SO Exam 2020. Students should always focus on their goals So any exam they can clear. Here the details of the Paper 2 syllabus, if you want to know the AKTU/ UPTU Exam 2020 Paper 1 syllabus and Paper 2 Syllabus then click the given link. The most important thing we only want to say that there is nothing big that we can not achieve but only you should have to focus on their objectives.